Monday, September 10, 2012

Memphis, Ancient Thebes and its Necropolis with Egyptian Mummification

Memphis and its Necropolis: How did the Egyptians make the sand drainer under the pyramid? Why were the pyramids created and what exactly do they represent? I thought it was funny in the video when they said the writing tablet had recorded a laborer absent because of a hang over.

Ancient Thebes and its Necropolis: It is a shame that most of the artifacts in the Valley of the King were already gone or stolen. Though, its incredible they foung King Tutankhamen. I looked up what Corn flowers looked like, because in the video they had mentioned them. The Corn flowers were in King Tutankhamen's tomb and were said to have looked more beautiful than the golden treasures.
Egyptian Mummification: Why was the mummy's heart removed? Why was he speical? His wrappings were painted red and gold. He also had characters on his wrappings. On his feet they wrote in Greek and I wonder why they did that. His portrait must have been painted while he was still alive, that would be a strange experience. Though maybe a way for a person to accept their death while living.

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