Monday, October 22, 2012

Glories of Ancient Aegoan and The Ancient Island of Crete Knossor

The first video was very short, but it emphasised Homer's epics having the possibity of being real stories. So were these characters once alive?
A question for the second video is it wrong that he restored the ruins or is it like a never ending transformation of art. The palace looked like an amazing maze! Ha!
I do not think the minoans were part of a peaceful civilization. They probably had war just like any other. The paintings of the bull being murdered might suggest they enjoyed bull fights as entertainment.
The mention of Crete discoveries reminded me of a chapter in Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond, which I have to read for world civilizations class. The chapter dicussed the phaestos disk found on the island of Crete. It could have been an early system for writing. It has 241 signs/symbols on it and it was made from clay. The symbols had to be stamped into the clay. So I wonder if it was made in the same location as the palace. Maybe the Minoans used these symbols. Or maybe just like characters from Homers Epics the Minoans may have never existed and was just a creation from the explorer/restorer.

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