Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Persepolis Recreated

It is unbelievable that a great palace can end up in ruins. How the "the richest city under the sun became so vacate. Sort of like how fleeting life is. I thought at the very beginning of the first videos computerization was cool. They had flowing crumbs form the palace entrance. The stone reliefs of the representatives were supposed to symbolize peaceful communication. I thought that was a pleasant message. Was the computerized dramatization of the men walking in a straight close row up the stairs inspired by the reliefs of the men trading/offering goods. The reliefs of the men show very little space between each man. I thought the Persian carpets they talked about were beautiful. They were filled with ornate colorful patterns. All seem to be inspired from flowers. I really liked the amazing twelve capitals in the form of lions. Though I thought it was strange they had horns on their heads. I think the muscular expressions were very effective in terms of strength and wild animal. The idea of the lion as the New Year eating I think the deer as the old year was different. A new view, instead of thinking it is an example of pure strength or conquest.

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