Friday, October 26, 2012

Greek Sculptures

Greek sculptures are very stunning to look at. I wonder how big they are in person. I do agree that realism could get boring. I think that is why some of the famous painters like Van Gogh and Picasso, chose different art styles, like post impressionism and abstract. Years ago I did not know they had painted so realistically, but they had. It is interesting that humans do respond more to exaggeration than complete realism. Though, why is it that humans enjoy exaggeration so much? Is it because there is an emotion or a story in the way something is extremely altered? I think it is ironic that the Greeks wanted to achieve physical perfection by using muscle and body exaggerations, like the length of the bronze mans legs and the impossible protrusions of the muscles. They created perfect humans which are unlike any real life human being. So there was idealism in their realistic style.
    I just wanted to post these paintings up to show difference. Van Gogh and Picasso.

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